Gameboy Light:


Hier kommen die rarsten der raren!!!

Wie sicher schon bekannt ist, gab es den gameboy light nur für kurze Zeit und ausschliesslich in Japan.

Nach dem ersten gameboy produzierte Nintendo diesen nun mit Licht. Offensichtlich entschied man sich dann aber dafür, den Handheld doch lieber in Farbe und leider wieder ohne Licht (gameboy color) zu machen. Vermutlich war beides zusammen zu teuer. Es gab ja zwischenzeitlich den Sega Game Gear, der in Farbe UND mit Licht ausgestattet war. Der war aber um einiges teurer. Der erste Gameboy den es dann schlussendlich in Farbe UND mit Licht gab, war der Gameboy Advance SP!


Wie auch immer, jedenfalls sind die Gameboy Light heutzutage die rarsten und meist gesuchten überhaupt und es gibt welche darunter die haben die schönsten Designs, die es je für einen Gameboy gab...




Here are the RAREST of the RARES!!!


The gameboy light was only sold in Japan during a couple of moths.

It was the second gameboy and the first with a light (but still without colour).


After a short time Nintendo stopped them and started with the GAMEBOY COLOR that was unfortunately without light.

The first Nintendo gameboy that was in colour AND light, is the gameboy advance sp!!

The reason might be that the production for both was too expensive at that time, as the Sega gamegear that was in colour and had a light, was sold for a much higher price. When the Nintendo Gameboy was sold between 120 und 150 CHF, the Sega gamegear costed about 300! And since the gameboy was designed for kids it should obviously be realtively cheap. Finally Nintendo sold many more gameboys than Sega did with their gamegear.


However, the gameboy light is the rarest and most sought after by collectors today and there are some gameboy lights that have the most beautiful designs ever. But see yourself below:



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roter, durchsichtiger extrem limitierter gameboy light, von einem berühmten Mangazeichner entworfen und bemalt... mehr

see-through red very limited edition gameboy light, designed by one of the top favourite manga guys... more



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transparent yellow "TOYS"R"US Japan gameboy light very limited edition... more




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